Kulula Airlines: Flying 101 livery

kulula_flying_101_02 kulula_flying_101_03kulula_flying_101_01 kulula_flying_101_04

Click for update post: Kulula Official Release

Kulula (South Africa’s favourite low fare airline), have recently released this fantastic new aircraft livery entitled “Flying 101”. Kulula are well known for their fun marketing exploits and this one lives up to their high standards. Each part of the aircraft is labelled with humorous captions such as “Loo (or mile-high initiation chamber)” and “Landing gear (comes standard with Kulula Flying 101super-fly mags)”. Click on the images to enlarge them.

Brilliant, the design work was done in-house by Kulula.

Via: OneLargePrawn


Adman at Ogilvy


  1. Awesome idea brought to life. The font used is also very readable and appropriate.

  2. Does anyone know what’s written in parentheses near Aircon ducts and Overhead cabins on the starboard?
    Btw, I understand this is an B738 or B739, am I right?

    • Flying 101 – is this including crew (flight plus cabin)? Anyway, it’s much better than in taxi…

    • Hi Nick!

      It’s Written « Radar Antenna, with a really big Dish inside!

      Go to Wikipedia and look for Kulula. You have a REALY BIG picture there. (go for Max resolution). You can see ALL the details.


  3. “Fuel tanks – the go-go juice”, LOL. You made my day!
    Thx a lot for amazing pics.

  4. ‘Black box which is actually orange’ – more and more people will know the truth!

  5. The new word in aircraft design!
    (Это не Лебедев, но он оценил)

  6. Why is this aircraft registered in both South Africa and the Czech Republic? Or is this a hoax

    • Originally the plane was used for European short haul. Now it is being flow to South Africa to be used here so that could explain why originally it was registered in the Czech Republic.

  7. Да в самом деле ОХУЕННО!
    Как это сделано прикольно. Как просто и доступно для людей.
    Ни одна тетка, которая собирается полететь на ентой дрыне зеленой не спросит, “А это зачем?, А где у него туалет?” все просто и доступно.
    Вот было бы у нас так в стране на остановках, в метро и в налоговой 🙂

  8. Przepraszam za spam, ale moze kogos to zainteresuje.
    Jest taka masowa gra przegladarkowa, w ktorej symulowany jest swiat (jest tez Polska), polityka, wojna, gospodarka, itd. Jak to w realu mielismy najazd Niemcow i i Polska stracila niepodleglosc. Teraz znowu jest wojna ze szwabami, wiec jak ktos jest zainteresowany, to prosze o pomoc.

  9. Beautiful, it makes flying fun, its great there’re people making ordinary life more interesting and fun at the same time 🙂
    I regret planes in Europe are so dull !

  10. Being a Boeing Engineer I especially love to see our planes dressed up. I applaud the chain of management who made this happen.

  11. does it say the rudder is for steering??

    even if it does, thats still an amazing paint job…i wonder if they’re hiring.

  12. Totally refreshing . . . bet they do aerobatics with a full load of passengers just for fun!!

  13. Their paint schemes remind me of the late Braniff Airlines, when they commissioned Alexander Calder to paint their planes. After WW2 a group of American pilots started Pacific Southwest Airlines out of San Diego, and they were known in a similar zany fashion. Their Boeing 727s had a “smile” painted on the nose.

    Kulua has learned how to break out from the pack in the public’s mind witgh their paint scheme and humour.

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  15. Airlines in the US are such tight assed twits…they could certainly take a lesson from these lads!!

  16. I especially laughed at the “loo (or mile high club initiation chamber)”! That is hilarious! I also found some really hilarious flight announcements on youtube, the credit card ad and the hotline message…. what wonderful creativity!

  17. Kulula is so hilarious to fly with.. The announcements are so funny! Quite a unique way to be entertained on a boring flight!

    Here’s one:

    On landing, the stewardess said, “Please be sure to take all of your
    belongings.. If you’re going to leave anything, please make sure it’s something we’d like to have.”

    And another:

    “As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Durban Airport , a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: “Whoa, big fella. WHOA!”

  18. Hiya, message to you from us here in Britain..
    Think your new livery is fantastic.
    I work for Thomson Airways here at London Luton Airport.
    Read some of the annoucements that go out over the inter com, they were a giggle.
    Wish we lived closer, would love to encounter one of your flights..
    Good Luck to you..
    Happy Flying..

  19. I was a flight attendant for 10 years with Air Canada, the MOST anal retentive uptight airline in the history of aviation. Kulula Airlines rules!!!

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