Top 15 ads of 2011

2011 has been my first year of being officially with Ogilvy South Africa. It’s been incredible to watch the blood, sweat, and tears that go into making something that we see, and for the most part ignore, every day hundreds… Continue Reading

Old Spice: MANta Claus

The Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa is back, and this time bearing gifts for Christmas in the guise of MANta Clause. Above he tells us how he gave the world Australia on a Tuesday about 1.5 kabillion year ago. Go… Continue Reading

Old Spice: Bear Deodorant Protector

Another wonderful idea from Wieden + Kennedy for Old spice. Just in time for Christmas they have come up with a novel / cheesy Old Spice deodorant holder in the shape of a bear. Check out the fun clip above,… Continue Reading

Nike Jordan: Explosive Water Projections

W+K and Carmelo Anthony launched the new Jordan Melo M8 trainers in an explosive way from Pier 54 in New York City. in front of a crowd of more than 2,500 people they used an incredible show of projection onto… Continue Reading

Visit Wales: Piers Bramhall

Wonderful tourism campaign from Wieden + Kennedy, London, for Wales Tourism. The campaign is sending Piers Bramhall and his girlfriend on an exclusive VIP trip to Wales. Their adventures will be recorded at the Visit Wales Facebook page, and in… Continue Reading

Levi’s: Go Forth

Stunning work and cinematography by Wieden + Kennedy for Levis Europe. Although I think the ad is stunning, it is rather unfortunate that it includes an image of a student standing against riot police and talking about living life to… Continue Reading

Old Spice: Mano a Mano Final

After another week of personal video replies, the original Old Spice guy ends his fight with Fabio. Few. Well done for milking it to the end Wieden + Kennedy

Old Spice: Fabio vs Old Old Spice Guy

For the last few weeks Old Spice has been publicising its new Old Spice guy, Fabio, who has been mocking the original Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa. As seen above Fabio has challenged Isaiah to a challenge. Isaiah as you… Continue Reading

Cravendale: Cats with Thumbs

Great work for Cravendale by Wieden + Kennedy London. They posed the question “Why do cats stare when you’re pouring milk?”. If there is one thing the internet loves, its cat videos so hardly surprising that even with hardly any… Continue Reading

Old Spice:Scent Vacation

This new pre-release Old Spice ad was given to fan Chris Gatewood to do as he wanted before general public launch. He decided to ask people to follow him on Twitter and in return be given the link to the… Continue Reading