Skittles: Get Skittles Rich

Interesting competition from Skittles in Canada. They created a fictional spokesman named Danny Falcon, and offered a million skittles (5,500 packs) to the person that share the YouTube video the most. The video parodies a pyramid marketing scheme, so far… Continue Reading

Fruit of the Loom®: Lucky Underwear

  If you believe in lucky underwear then you may enjoy this. CP+B created 2000 pairs of limited edition “lucky underwear” for Fruit of the Loom. To make them lucky they took the underwear across the USA and pulled them… Continue Reading

UN Women: The Google Autocomplete Truth

Below is the follow up in a series of ads, developed as a creative idea for UN Women by Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubai. The ad campaign uses genuine Google searches to reveal the widespread prevalence of sexism and discrimination… Continue Reading