Famous Ninja plays a real life game of Fruit Ninja

Pillsbury brand Toaster Strudel has brought the popular Fruit Ninja game to life.They enlisted the help of Guinness Book of World Records-holding swordsman Isao Machii (who once cut a tennis ball going 708kmph!) for the stunt in Los Angeles. People… Continue Reading

Tesco shopping app ad makes food and drinks appear right from your phone

Strange but clever ad from Hungary for Tesco’s shopping app. Really love the way they use the camera trickery into making it look like food and drink comes directly from the phone…now if only online shopping could be this quick.… Continue Reading

Snack brand finds out how far people will go to get a free sample

Aussie snack brand set up a series of elaborate / irritating stunts to find out how far people would go to get their hands on a snack sample.The brand behind it is Fantastic Delites who are no stranger to sample… Continue Reading

Food poster converts taste to sound

Interesting experiment by Herb & Spice brand Schwartz, they brought taste to life using sound and touch.Illustrator Billie Jean created a visual articulation of what taste might look like. Each herb and spice depicted in the artwork was then assigned… Continue Reading

Snickers: Construction Workers Yell Messages of Empowerment to Women

Interesting activation stunt from Clemenger BBDO, Australia for Snickers. They hired people to dress up as construction workers and shout positive messages of empowerment to women passing by the construction site.Fun video and love the sentiment behind it, not sure… Continue Reading

The Oreo Twitter Trending Vending Machine

Oreo created a custom vending machine that enabled people to create their own custom flavoured Oreo cookies based on what was trending on twitter.The machine was placed at SXSW and was put together by MAYA Design .Below is a pretty… Continue Reading

McDonalds: Big Mac Mind Tests

UK ad agency Razorfish have created a series of mind tricks in order to promote the McDonalds Big Mac.See how long it takes you to figure out the trick in the video below. If you like that you can play… Continue Reading

Chipotle: Farmed and Dangerous Official Trailer

Chipotle, the restaurant that serves ‘Food With Integrity’, has taken a bit of a brave decision and is about to launch an original 4 part mini comedy series that looks at industrial agriculture and includes exploding cows. The series will… Continue Reading

Burger king: Pre-roll ads

Burger king recently created the below rather clever YouTube pre-roll ad. This year has seen its fair share of pre-roll ads but the below stands out as a shining example. Basically they created 64 YouTube ads specifically targeting individual videos,… Continue Reading

Doritos: Finger Cleaner

Every year Doritos hosts a competition to air the best user generated Dorito videos as an actual ad during the Super Bowl, I think we have a winner already. The below ad was directed by Australian Tom Noakes and is… Continue Reading