Nivea creates a magazine ad that helps protect your child

Nivea ProtectionI’m not yet a parent but I imagine at beaches kids can have a tendency to wonder off. Nivea Sun and FCB Brazil have created a print ad that contains a bracelet with a RFID tag Bluetooth chip* that can be torn off and out around the wrist of your child. The bracelet links to a custom app called NIVEAProtege that alerts you to tell when and where your kid wonders off to when they move a set distance away from you.
Another nice example of a product that’s and ad, and vice versa.

*Thanks Marcio from FCB Brazil for the correction


Adman at Ogilvy

One Comment

  1. Hi Chris, tks for the post, the real tech embeded in this AD is not a RFID, use the radio but is a bluetooth smart device. tks.

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