Worst ad of 2009 (Samsung Bungee jumping elephant)

I have seen a lot of rubbish this year but nothing in my mind comes close to this horrible drivel coming from The Viral Factory for Samsung’s new Jet phone.

Unfortunately I suppose I am writing about it and so am helping them spread the word, but really if I had no brain I would like to think I would still be offended by this total cop out.

At least AdRants seems to agree with me, let just pray we don’t have to suffer more of this and Samsung go back to making great ads like this one.

P.S. If any one from the Viral factory reads this I do normally love your work but guys come on…..Seriously !


Adman at Ogilvy


  1. I’m sorry Chris, I have to disagree. At least this ad doesn’t make me want to rip out my womb lest anything resembling a possessed Evian Roller Baby ever comes out of it.

    • Alex, I’m deeply saddened by your lack of agreement on this, granted the Evian spot was a little scary, but at least they used a classic soundtrack ! This epic FAIL ad even only has managed a 2.5 star rating on YouTube (clips of dust regularly score higher marks !)
      Will have to agree to disagree.

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