Google Gears

If like me your a regular user of Google reader for your RSS feeds then good news is here.
Google last week bought out something called Google Gears, which allows you to view your RSS feeds from blogs and the like while offline.
The way Google Gears works is to basically store web page information from the last time you were online and allow you to access it as normal in your browser when your offline so you can still read your feeds etc.
At present the tool is available as a plug in for Google reader and works only with Internet Explorer and FireFox but will soon be available for Opera and Safari users too.
Gears will soon be available for other Google programmes such as Gmail, Google calendar and Google docs, and the search engine giants hope that with the help of the online community the project will expand for many other uses not yet thought of.
So all in all just another great day for the Google empire, they never cease to amaze me and I wouldn’t be too surprised if soon they even bought out there own operating system as a competitor to Microsoft Vista and the like.


Adman at Ogilvy

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