BAR marketing

New to South Africa and part of the British American Tobacco empire is Kent cigarettes.
This pic shows part of their new marketing campaign. The idea is to install cigarette machines and touch panel interactive screens that show info on the brand itself and provide the user with local partying dates and other relevant events.
They also sponsor the relevant owner of the bar or restaurant with free broadband wireless internet! All this for the small price of having to give away your SA ID number when you try to find out whats happening in town. Great plan but very sneaky with the whole getting you to give away all you personal details!.
After having a browse on the system myself, I found out that all it tells you about is their micronite filter technology to keep the taste smooth and then the different types of Kent’s available, not one thing about local events yet, however I am reliably informed that this service will be up and running soon.
To finish I would like to share with you this crazy snippet from one of there previous campaigns:
“The Micronite filter smooths the flavor… If you really like to smoke a lot, why not make the change to Kent, today? And why not start with a carton?”
Have fun and if you like smoking maybe try a pack of Kent’s or if you take their advise get a carton!!.


Adman at Ogilvy

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